Sunday, August 25, 2019

Week 21

Another week flew by. My son spent time with a senior from school to build a project - he is happy and that is all that matters. His woodworking and music lessons continue to keep him busy. I found a lot of good stuff from Ray Dalio that I am now using ( and

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Week 20

Not much was achieved this week as my sister and my nephew are in town and my son is having a good time playing with them. However, an interesting thing I heard from an old-time homeschooler; she said and I paraphrase Leo Tolstoy here: "All schooling families are alike; each homeschooling family homeschools in its own way". Basically she meant that there was nothing right or wrong once you were on the path. You would eventually find your own groove and comfort zone over time. I hope to find that balance for my family and myself eventually.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Week 19

This blog post got delayed as I forgot that it was Sunday. This week was interesting as he learnt to use new tools in his woodworking class. And he won a medal in a karate competition - by and itself the medal should not count - but if it motivates him to practice harder, so be it.
I also filled a school form for my daughter - some interesting questions included what out of national or international languages would we like her to choose or the pros/cons of different economic classes studying together. Overall, it was a thought-provoking questionnaire and I believe that something similar should be used by most schools to at least try and align the parents to a more sensible parenting style.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Week 18

As time is rushing by, I have been stricken at times with the desire to push him as I still belong to the old school and it is really difficult to stop myself from intervening. So, this week he started guitar lessons as well as woodworking - two things that he had shown an interest in. I am supposed to make him journal things daily but both of us have not come around to developing that habit yet. While I understand the value of the same, I have not been able to impose it on him yet. Maybe in a few days!