Sunday, March 29, 2020

Week 52 - a year in review

This week marks a year of our homeschooling effort. So here is an attempt to summarize my experience of the past year:

- Everyone homeschools for their own reason and all the reasons are right
- Intellect and persistence are over-rated; curiosity and patience are more important
- Uncertainty is a part and parcel of our lives - you can plan for everything but then some curve-ball will change the circumstances and you have to improvise on-the-fly
- Things will work out eventually - just keep the faith!

For the coming year, there are a few things that we did not follow up in the last year that I am keen on pursuing now:

- Asking questions daily - encouraging him to maintain a blog around being curious
- Keeping a journal - the ability to document things
- Developing a plan to respond to the next "black swan" event better as a family

It has been an amazing journey, with its ups and downs, and I am thankful to everybody who helped us in different ways, known and unknown, throughout this year. I continue to look forward to your cooperation and help as always this year too.

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